e-Health project in Malaysia to monitor Medical Drug Preservation with Waspmote

Public Health is the science and art of protecting and improving the health of communities through education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and research for disease and injury prevention. Public Health helps to improve the health and well being of people in local communities and around the world. The dramatic achievements of Public Health in the 20th century have improved our quality of life: an increase in life expectancy, world wide reduction in infant and child mortality, and the elimination or reduction of many communicable diseases. Today, Public Health leaders continue to strengthen their roles as advocates for improved population-based health in an international, global community.

Fig. 1.- Health expenditure as a share of GDP, EU 27

These achievements have been possible thanks to new medical devices, medical drugs and vaccines that allow to prevent from diseases or fight against them. As we can see in Figure 1, European Governments are increasing Health budget every year. Furthermore, the same happens with other countries all over the world. Different organizations have been created to control Health and drug administration such as Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHO), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), American Public Health Association (APHA) or European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Local governments and these global organizations are responsible for drug regulation and control in order to preserve them properly. Pharmaceutical companies sell their medicines all over the world and cold chain is required to be followed to maintain them fit for consumption. French Health Security Agency (AFSSAPS) or Spanish Medicines Agency (AEMPS) follow the European directive and establish the conditions at which each drug needs to be stored.

Medical drugs are very expensive, in special vaccines and others that need to be stored at a specific temperature. Therefore, real-time monitoring is vital to control whether the cold chain has been broken or not. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are capable of getting temperature, humidity or luminosity measurements and transmit the data to a remote server periodically. In this way, real-time conditions can be monitored in order to know when a problem in a freezer or a refrigerator happens, avoiding critical situations and saving a huge amount of money.

ARES Project

ARES system has been developed by DeltaZ, a Malaysian company focused on medical products, which has been deployed in several cities in Malaysia. The system is able to monitor several parameters (Oxygen, CO2, Vibration or Temperature among others) in different environments:

  • Refrigeratos
  • Ultra Low Temperature Freezers
  • Cold Rooms
  • LN2 Tanks
  • Incubators

Fig. 2.- Project location

The proper methods of storage and preservation of drugs and their preparations are of very great importance for maintenance of their potency. These methods must be strictly observed by the manufactures and retail pharmacists.

The following factors may affect the drug:

  • Moisture: drugs must be stored in dry places.
  • Light: direct sun light destroys the activity of drugs.
  • Temperatura: some biological drugs are damaged even at room temperature. They must be stored at a temperature between 2-8ºC. Small pox vaccine should be kept even below 0ºC. Biological products or antibiotics must be kept in refrigerators (2-15ºC).
  • Air: due to O2, CO2 and moisture may cause deterioration of the drugs.

ARES project allows to monitor all these parameters in order to check the drugs are stored in the correct conditions.

La solución

Este proyecto puede explicarse mejor con el siguiente diagrama:

Fig. 3.- Diagrama de solución

More than 50 Waspmotes have been deployed in several locations; measuring different parameters:

  • Temperatura
  • Humedad relativa
  • Dióxido de carbono (CO2)
  • Oxígeno

These sensors are connected to Waspmote through the Placa de sensores de gasesque contiene los componentes electrónicos necesarios para integrar fácilmente estos sensores en el hardware.

Fig. 4.- Placa Sensor de Gases Waspmote

La etapa de amplificación de cada sensor es trimable, para permitir una mejor integración del sensor específico, ya que puede haber variaciones de un sensor a otro del mismo modelo. Además, esta característica permite centrar la precisión del Waspmote en una región de interés. Además, es posible encender cada sensor por separado, ya que sus líneas de alimentación son independientes y pueden controlarse mediante Waspmote en tiempo real.

Para saber dónde se encuentra este sensor, cada Waspmote puede integrar un GPS, que proporciona información precisa sobre la posición y la hora.

Libelium ofrece varios módulos inalámbricos para el comunicación por radio:




Potencia TX





2,4 GHz

1 mW

-92 dB

500 m



2,4 GHz

63 mW

-100 dBm

7000 m



2,4 GHz

2 mW

-96 dBm

500 m



2,4 GHz

50 mW

-102 dBm

7000 m



868 MHz

315 mW

-112 dBm

12 km



900 MHz

50 mW

-100 dBm

10 km



900 MHz

100 mW

-106 dBm

12 km

Fig. 5.- Waspmote Gases Sensor Board

El módulo de 868 MHz permite alcanzar hasta 40 km en condiciones de línea de visión directa (LOS). El alto rendimiento del Waspmote hace que las lecturas sean muy precisas y la transmisión muy fiable y flexible.

It is also possible to transmit the data via GPRS, as a secondary radio module for better availability and redundancy in situations when it is critical to ensure the reception of the message. The GPRS module is quad-band (it can operate in 4 different bands, so it supports any cellular connection provider), making it able to work all over the world, therefore this project we are describing is suitable for any country.

Una de las principales características del Waspmote es su bajo consumo:

  • 9 mA, modo ON
  • 62 μA, modo de espera
  • 0,7 μA, modo de hibernación

Para ahorrar batería, el Waspmote pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en modo reposo. Al cabo de unos minutos (programables por el usuario), Waspmote se despierta, lee de los sensores, implementa la comunicación inalámbrica y pasa de nuevo al modo de reposo. Cada dispositivo puede alimentarse con baterías recargables y un panel solar, lo que hace que el sistema sea muy autónomo.

Proceso de implantación

For an accurate measurement, sensors have been calibrated in professional laboratories in order to provide the best results in this project. On the one hand, one of the biggest problems faced in this project has been related to sensors calibration. On the other hand, as the nodes are forming a mesh network, many tests have been carried out to determine the best location for repeaters.

Waspmote, Gases Sensor Board, Sensors and battery were placed inside an enclosure to be able to be set on the refrigerators. End devices send the sensor data every hour and sleep the rest of the time in order to save battery. Repeaters are powered all the time to be able to route the packets and maintain the network alive.

Fig. 6.- DeltaZ device which contains Waspmote

Once the sensor nodes have been validated by a large number of tests, they were deployed in several hospitals in Malaysia.

Fig. 7.- Waspmote placed on the Hospital’s walls to repeat the signal

Sensor nodes make measurements and periodically send the results to the server application for further analysis and database storage. Web application collect information from the nodes and perform their visualization.

Fig. 8.- Web application for monitoring refrigerator parameters

End devices, the nodes on the refrigerators, are powered by a lithium battery. Taking advantage of Waspmote’s saving energy features, these motes have battery life up to 16 months. Repeaters are powered all the time to repeat the packets, so no maintenance is required for them.

As a result of this project, storage conditions in medical refrigerators can be monitored in real-time, saving time and money and thus, avoiding to break the cold chain, what would lead to huge economic losses.

Si está interesado en Waspmoteestaremos encantados de ayudarle a diseñar su sistema. Puede solicitar una oferta de Waspmote aquí.

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